ER-20 Motherboard

ERY32MINI Motherboard use the STM32F103 as the mainboard.

ERY32MINI Motherboard built-in the TMC2209 silent stepper driver.

ERY32MINI Motherboard design is very compact, but powerful.

ERY32MINI Motherboard can suitable for the ER-20 3d printer.

ERY32MIN Motherboard X1

  1. Built-in the TMC2209 silent stepper driver with UART mode.

  2. Use the software to set the drive current to avoid burning the driver by incorrect manual adjust, more safe and reliable.

  3. 24V input can be accepted and the input port using the XT60 safe connector.

  4. Using the 32bit 72MHZ ARM Cortex-M3 MCU STM32F103.

  5. Support LCD12864 smart screen and IO touch screen.

Specifications list

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02 Apr 2024 49 USD 49 USD 49 USD

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